Adderley Ltd - Pottery Mark Query
by Juliet
(Vancouver, BC Canada)
Adderley Ltd - Pottery Mark Query:- The mark on the bottom says ADDERLEYS Ltd (with an s on adderleys). The mark is an ornate brown crown over an ornate brown oval circle that says ADDERLEYS Ltd around the top half, MADE IN in the middle of the oval and ENGLAND in the bottom of the circle. There is a black diamond or arrow on either side of the open circle.
The cups are white with a 3/4" wide gilt trim around the outside top with navy blue waves, gold flowers and dots. The double handles are also gilt with a little gilt spilling into the inside of the top edge of the cups. There are no saucers. There is a number hand written in a taupe colour - 9563 with an x under the 6.
Do you have any idea if this is an Adderley cup? is it a hot chocolate cup? is it old? is it worth anything? I have 6 of them.
Many thanks,
Reply from Peter (admin) below - just scroll downHOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To:- Adderley Ltd - Pottery Mark Query
Dear Juliet
Thanks for the nice query and very detailed description. Never be afraid to send in photos to accompany your submission!
Although the original firm of 1876 was known as W A Adderley & Co, the name was changed in 1906
to Adderleys Ltd. Mostly the pottery marks retained the singular 'Adderley' name, but there was a specific period which my records show Adderley used the "Adderleys Ltd" pottery mark in several variations with a crown device up top.
This type of mark began in 1926 and probably was phasing out by 1929 when the firm went back to using Adderley or Adderley ware. The firm was actually oficially known as "Adderleys Ltd" from 1906 until its takeover by Pearsons Ridgway in 1947 when the Adderley pottery mark was retained as a backstamp only.
The mark 'Royal Adderley' was also used after the 1947 merger, especially for bone china tea sets. The 'Royal' tag was transferred from the Ridgways warrant. John Ridgway had been appointed potter to Queen Victoria in the 1850's and the marketers of Pearsons thought it about time this kudos was milked somewhat.
All I would say is I think your items might be quite rare and therefore might be sought after by one or two collectors - if two collectors both wanted it at an auction, could be good news as it informs the value they would fetch at the auction - and Adderley, especially early Adderley like yours can be collectible.
Hope this helps Juliet. Good luck!
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.