Blue Crown over a B and mirrored B
by jerry coleborn
(miami, fla)
BB Mark Blue Crown over a B and mirrored B
BB Mark Blue Crown over a B and mirrored B
BB Mark Blue Crown over a B and mirrored B\\;- Wedding present 50 years ago. roman dressed women & children, 4 different designs. 12 cups & saucers, 12 side plates & 2 servers
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BB Mark Blue Crown over a B and mirrored B
Hi Jerry
{edit:- Scroll down the entries and you will see I have come to the conclusion this is likely Beyer and Bock of Rudolstadt-Volkstedt, Thuringia East Germany (GDR) from the 1950's. Look at my entries for all the details - there is a more detailed reply after Helen's photos near the bottom}.
Best regards
Peter (Admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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