Cold Porcelain Paste - How can we do it?

by Duaa
(Amman- Jordan)

cold porcelian flowers

cold porcelian flowers

I mixed cornstarch with glue and few baby oil, I never get a good result. Can any one help me and others to have the correct dough or past for the cold porcelain!!!

thanks for help =D

Comments for Cold Porcelain Paste - How can we do it?

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Cold Porcelain Recipe Reminder
by: Sangeeta

Cold Porcelain Recipe Reminder: Answer by Sangeeta (guest expert) Hi, I have a recipe posted on this site. Follow it just as it says and you won't got wrong. Use a microwave as it is simpler to manage and get the paste good.

Good luck. I will help you out in any way I can.

Sangeeta (guest expert)

CP recipe
by: Anonymous

i have been making CP items for some time. The recipe i use contains 1/2 cup corn flour,1/2 cup white glue,1tbsp baby oil,1 tbsp white vinegar. I mix them together in a non-stick pan. Once it is mixed well, i put it on a stove with lowest heat stirring continuously until it sticks to the spoon. Once done remove and knead on the corn flour dusted surface. Pack it and keep it in a air tight container. That's it. It never had any cracking.

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