Japanese Tea Set
by Brenda
(Chandler, Texas USA)
Japanese Tea Set - H inside of a flower and says hand painted japan
Japanese Tea Set - H inside of a flower and says hand painted japan
Japanese Tea Set - H inside of a flower and says hand painted japan:- I am trying to find out all about this Japanese Tea Set. I has a H inside of a flower and says hand painted japan. I am looking to appraise this set. I is a complete set, nothing broke or damaged.
I cant seam to find this mark.
Any help would be gratefully received!
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Japanese Tea Set - H inside of a flower and says hand painted Japan
Hi Brenda
I will throw this one open to others to answer as I am not sure of the answer to this one.
Japanese marks seem to be one of those subjects fraught with complications, twists and turns. The marking quite often doesn't seem to be for the actual purpose of identifying the maker, which is quite baffling to our Western sensibilities where we want to know whos who and what's what.
I am very hopeful an expert collector will come our way and save the day.
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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