Large Wash Bowl/Picher Ridgway Bow & Arrow Pottery mark query
by Donna Holler
(Tonawanda NY)
Large Wash Bowl/Picher Ridgway Bow & Arrow Pottery mark query
Large Wash Bowl/Picher Ridgway Bow & Arrow Pottery mark query:- My Grandmother gave me a large pitcher and bowl about 40yrs. ago. The pattern is in red with birds and possible cherry blossoms. The bowl is somewhat rectangular shaped. On the bottom its marked in red Autumn also a paintbrush looking arrow with a bow and the word RIDGWAY in the arrow thing, There is also another letter that follows the y in ridgway. Any idea what this is?
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The forum Help Elf says:-
We normally don't publish submissions without any photos. This is because this site is a very visual record of of fine china. Let's face it your pitcher and wash bowl from your Gran is beautiful because of the way it looks - a pretty piece of English Victorian history.
We don't want to see just words, we want to see pretty pictures (we love the story of your items too - as much as you can give). Some folks just write in and say "Estate Sale". Those get deleted too.
This site is a mutual help thing - you ask questions and supply nice photos, we help you in return.
So that's why, no photos, no publish. Please everyone, get word around about this because we have to delete many submission every day, because we do state loud and clear in the submission instructions that we won't publish or reply without photos.
Hope this helps.
For general free advice on how to research your collection, Peter wrote this page:
value of antiques.