Mystery backstamp B.H.A., impressed C, painted comma mark?

by A Rehman

Mystery backstamp B.H.A., impressed C, painted comma mark?

Mystery backstamp B.H.A., impressed C, painted comma mark?


I have a pair of beautiful porcelain plates with a simple "B.H.A." stamped underneath. There's also a pink blob which, upon closer inspection, could be a comma. Finally there's a near-invisible impressed mark that appears to be a C.

The design is finely detailed: pink with a gold rim and cartouches enclosing paintings of tiny pheasants, interspersed with a hand painted butterfly, moth and beetle (at least I think it's a beetle).

I cannot find any information about any potter or retailer named B.H.A.

It looks like it may be European and oldish, perhaps French.

My latest wild surmise goes something like this:
exquisite detailing + comma/blob mark + impressed C = work of Charles Louis Mereaud, painter for Sevres in the mid to late 1700s.

Except of course there is NO Sevres mark!

Any insights would be much appreciated, I'm all out of ideas!

Thank you.

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BHA mark NEW
by: Anonymous

We also have lots of plates and crockery with the same blue BHA mark, which I have been unable to trace.
However, there is a feint impression underneath each piece too. If you shine a light from the side, we see a capital B, inside a shield with a five pointed crown above. This is the mark of Beyer and Bock of Prussia/ Germany.
Looking at your pics A Rehman, it is possible that you have some feint impressions too.

Good luck

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