Name and Manufacturing Date of a Woods Ivory Ware Pattern

by Rhonda
(Alberta, Canada)

Woods Ivory Ware platter

Woods Ivory Ware platter

In our first home together, my husband and I found a box of china. After asking everybody we could think of if it was theirs, we kept it, and have had it for over 16 years now.

I have always wondered what the name of the pattern was, when it was made, and, of course, an approximate value for it.

We have a set of 4 dinner plates, 4 smaller plates, 4 bowls, 4 cups and saucers and 1 small platter. The larger plates and platter have 355 stamped on the back as well.

The design is a small flower design with whites, yellows and oranges, with a scalloped gold trim. The markings on the back of all of them say "Woods Ivory Ware" above a crown, with "England" under the crown.

Reply by Peter (admin)

To:- Name and Manufacturing Date of a Woods Ivory Ware Pattern

Dear Rhonda

Thank you for your enquiry.

Wood & Son(s) Ltd. were based in Burslem from 1865 to 2005. They were a famous pottery family and the firm produced a wide range of domestic, hotel and toilet wares.

Woods Ivory Ware was introduced circa 1930.

355 is the pattern number, most patterns were not named but referred to by a reference number due to the sheer number of them. It's hard to tell from your photograph whether the piece has any hand painting on it or whether it is a lithograph decoration with gilding around the rim.

Hope this helps

Best wishes

Peter (admin)

Comments for Name and Manufacturing Date of a Woods Ivory Ware Pattern

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Woods Ivory Ware 450
by: Donna

I need to replace 2 saucers for my teacups for this pattern-Woods Ivory Ware 450-pink floral pattern with scalloped gold trim. I purchased them second hand about 20 years ago. Could you help me? Also do you know their worth? I have 6 place settings with a platter minus the two saucers. They are in very good to excellent condition. Thanks, Donna

Re: Woods Ivory Ware Set
by: Evan, Alberta, Canada

To Rhonda (Alberta Canada)
Are you interested in selling your Ivory Ware
Dinner Set? My parents received this set as a
wedding gift in l957. My mother died early and
I eventually received what was left of the set,
but I do not have it all. If you are interested in selling it, I'd be interested.
Evan Schuurman

Ivory Ware 355
by: Helen

I have fallen upon an entire set of this pattern.. 355. with a serving dish, a fruit bowl, cream and sugar, dinner plates, dessert plates, bowls, small bowls cup and saucers, cake plates a set of 7 perfect condition except for a few chips in the small bowls.. Wondering what it could be worth.

Same pattern
by: Debra

Hi Rhonda
My husband just bought me some of the same dishes as the one in your picture. I have been trying to find out what the pattern is called mine has 155 on the bottom. I'm just wondering what pieces you have ? Does yours have a 155 on the bottom?
Thanks Debra

Woods Ivory Ware Pattern 253
by: Don S.

My mother had a set of these dishes that she had been given by her mother who had received them from my aunt. There was originally 8 place settings including dinner plate, luncheon plate, dessert plate, cereal/salad bowl, dessert bowl, cup and saucer. The serving pieces included a large and small platter, covered vegetable bowl, gravy boat and cream & sugar. Over the years many pieces have been broken. I have found some replacements in antique shops and flea markets, but want to find more. Any ideas where else I may look. It is a beautiful wild rose pattern and has great sentimental value to me.

Woods Ivory Ware England #354
by: Jane (Edmonton)

I have a complete set, plates, bowls, cups, saucers, that belonged to my mother. The flower pattern includes a dogwood prominently displayed.

Is anyone interested in purchasing the set.

I have a few pieces
by: Linda

I am not sure is this thread is still relevant, but I have 3 teacups, 5 saucers, 4 dessert plates and two sals plates. The cups have 146 number on the bottom, and salad plates say 152, but they are all same design.
Does anyone know if there's a reference book listing all the pieces in the original set?
Not sure if i want to get collect all pieces or sell the ones I got...



Peter (admin) says:-

Hi Linda

No such records are likely to exist anymore, or if they do, be easily accessible.


65 pieces
by: Anonymous

I have 65 pieces of a Woods Ivory Ware England set. I would like to see it and I'm looking for some information so I know how to price it. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. It is in excellent condition.

Plate set 354
by: Anonymous

Hi has anyone got the 354 set that they would be interested in selling? My email is

Wood's Ivory Ware Bowl
by: Margaret

Hi, I bought a bowl today at a St Vinnies,Op Shop and it has a number 5 x 2356 on it. I was wondering when this bowl was made and where in England? Thank you for your help.

Woods ivory ware
by: Taylor

I have 14 pieces of China with a woods ivory ware stamp. I have not been able to find a stamp that looks like this one or anyone that has this pattern. It has golden yellow, burnt orange/red, and royal blue flowers. It has a scalloped edge trimmed in green. It is stamped with a W1226. Any help identifying them would be greatly appreciated!

Woods Ivory Ware 91870
by: Basil


Would anyone know of the estimated private sale value of a Woods Ivory Ware milk jug bearing the number 91870? It has a pink rose on the each side, gold edge and in excellent condition.



Hassan Teapot
by: Anonymous

I found an old teapot with "Hassan" Woods
Ivory Ware written on the bottom in the attic of my grandmothers home after she passed and was wondering what the value of it is.

Love my Woods Ivory Ware!
by: Anonymous

I have a lovely Woods Ivory Ware round bowl - It actually has 8 sides and small handles with a lid. It has the number 6268 on the bottom. I'm not interested in selling, nor am I interested in the value since it appears there's a lot of Woods Ivory Ware around. I just wanted to find out what I could about the company and thanks to you, I know a lot more than when I started out. I love my bowl and use it at large family gatherings. I'd always been reluctant to microwave it because I suspect it's rather old and made before Microwave ovens were commonly used. However, today I decided to test it and half filled it with water then microwaved in 30 second intervals, checking the handles for heat, etc. It appears to pass the microwave test!

Woods ivory ware buckingham green & yellow ring floral center
by: France

Looking for Buckingham woods ivory wear with a yellow and green ring and Floral center if anyone has some to sell it would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you, France

Wood ivory ware 235
by: Dawn

I have a woods ivory ware stamped w235 it's a plate with 4 egg cups sitting on it. Would love to know the year it was made. One egg cup has a hairline crack. Bought them as the lovely pattern caught my eye. Thanks dawn

woods ivory ware #253
by: Anonymous

hi, I have set of WIW #253 almost complete 8pc. setting with serving dishes, gravy boat creamer sugar anyone looking for these?

Woods ivory ware England #154
by: Anonymous


I’m interested in getting some information about my pieces. They are from my grandma but I can’t seem to find any information. Anything anyone could tell me would be great

Woods dinner set NEW

Hi I have for sale a complete dinner service set
Mint condition
All numbered includes serving platter gravy boat and three toreens
Any idea of value numbered from 6 to 354
6 dinner
6 side
6 dishes
6 tea plates
3 toreens
1 meat platter
All match no chips never been used gold trims still perfect condition

Woods Ivorey Ware
by: Lori

Hi there I have a Woods Ivory Ware set, I'm just wondering the approximate value? I blelieve it is Carousel, a pale yellow back ground with pink flowers grey leaves scalloped edge with gold. The markings on them are not listed any where I have looked . I'd appreciate any information , thank you.

Ivory ware 156
by: Lily

I just bought a set with 36 (6x6) pieces woods lvory wera from op shop.vit has number 156 at the back, anyone can give me more information about which year it made please.

We have set 155
by: James

Hi was just wondering if anyone has a set price for woods ivory ware number 155 as there are no price guides to follow and we also have one soup bowl that has 154 on the bottom hope to hear something about these pieces. Or you can contact me at thanks.

Woods Ivory Ware 253 NEW
by: Anonymous

I have some dinner plates and bowls 253 made early 1930s and larger bowl. A couple have chips.
They were my grandmother's The design is wild roses with green inner rim. There was also pattern made with blue inner rim.

To Anonymous with pattern#253 NEW
by: Estee

Hello, I would like to know If your pattern is the wild roses with green inner rim and gold outer rim. You can reply to


3 platter set No. 333
by: L B

I have a 3 platter set marked 333. Cannot find anything about them. Any info would be great. Thanks

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