Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery
by Tracy Hobgood
(Arlington, Texas, U.S.A.)
Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery
Ashtray Bottom - Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery
Makers Name and Marking - Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery
Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery:- Hello Everyone, Well I was at this garage sale the other day and I saw this unusual looking piece of pottery and it immediately caught my eye, so I went over and picked it up and turned it over to look at the bottom of it and saw these beautiful markings, the Makers name and Makers Marking. I think it is an ashtray. I have searched the Internet feverishly trying to find the Makers name and Marking to no avail. Please help me identify who the Makers name is and about when and where it was made.
Thank You,
Tracy Hobgood
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Pottery Maker and Mark Query - Yang USA Studio Art Pottery
Hi Tracey
Thanks for sharing this nice modern piece. Very funky - suggesting a younger artist, so possibly more difficult to track down fore that reason.
To my eyes, the name says 'Yang' which is why I added it to your title (titles are important in search engines finding our site, which is the only way mysteries get solved!)
You said you had search burn-out, but didn't share too much of that research. Anyway, I did some of my own and began to compile a list of studio potters with the name Yang......
Yang Maoyuan
Pearl Yang
Hue Yang
Yang Chaofu
Winnie Yang
Seungho Yang
Wei Yang
That was enough for me. You need to now recover from SBO (search burn-out) and rule out those people one by one. If none are applicable, then find more Yangs. Please post here.
The little horizontal flower motif or device is a giveaway to this person. The Rosenthal Yang would be a good candidate, but the signature is different and no flower motif, so not the right Yang.
Also, if any visitors finding this page have any information on this pottery mark, however slender the info, please post. It all adds to the knowledge base.
Peter (admin)
The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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