Pottery Mark - B B (one in reverse) germany blue china plate mark id
by nicole
(ny ny usa)
Pottery Mark - B B (one in reverse) germany blue china plate mark id
Pottery Mark - B B (one in reverse) germany blue china plate mark id
Pottery Mark - B B (one in reverse) germany blue china plate mark id:- Bought a set of dishes that have purple floral design in center but I can not id the mark although I have scoured the internet. Please see pic I have attached. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. mark has a blue stamp "germany" under wreath. looks like a crown with two "B"s in the center.
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Pottery Mark - B B (one in reverse) germany blue china plate mark id
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{edit:- The answer to this pottery mark mystery has been discovered - read the submissions below for the answer. Also I recently discovered that there is an ink stamped variation of this BB mark which is not catalogued anywhere either on or offline - only on this website. To read that thread go here:-
Knowledgeable contributors please try to help more with this one.
Best regards
Peter (Admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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