Pottery Mark Query - Crown above "M" overlaying "O" in a circle with the word "FOREIGN" underneath
by Tracey
(West Yorkshire, England)
M O Pottery Mark Query - Crown above
Pottery Mark Query - Crown above "M" overlaying "O" in a circle with the word "FOREIGN" underneath:- Hi there, I have been trying to find out further information regarding this figurine that has been sat on my display shelf for some time now.
When I was dusting it earlier, the green maize protective base fell off, and revealed the pottery mark as mentioned above which I am having difficulty in finding any further information on.
As well as the markings detailed above, and shown in the picture, the numbers 7213 appear to be imprinted on the base.
I stumbled across your site so wondered if anyone here would know a little more and be kind enough to share.
Thanks in advance, and best wishes
reply by Peter (admin) below - just scroll down...HOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To:- M O Pottery Mark Query - Crown above "M" overlaying "O" in a circle with the word "FOREIGN" underneath
Hi Tracey
Nice query on "Pottery Mark Query - Crown above "M" overlaying "O" in a circle with the word "FOREIGN" underneath".
This is interesting. Looks suspiciously East German to me. Why? Too good modeling to be Far East, which is generally pants (no offence) .... I think it may have started out life as an inexpensive trinket rather than premium - but could be wrong because the sculpt is good quality.
However, it may have an interesting story to tell about a period in history and may have a value. Maybe someone who knows will see this and shed some light.
I found the answer while doing a special search on ebay (the same system I talk about in this page -
China Replacement and research.
See how right or wrong my guess was and what 'story' is revealed. Scroll down to the comments section for my answer
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.