Pottery Mark Query - Figurine With Crossed Swords With a Circle
by Lynne
(Wellington, FL USA)
Pottery Mark Query - Figurine With Crossed Swords With a Circle
Pottery Mark Query - Figurine With Crossed Swords With a Circle
Pottery Mark Query - Figurine With Crossed Swords With a Circle:- Hi, I purchased this 8" figurine of a woman sitting with a basket of grapes on her lap. The mark on the bottom as can be seen in the photo is crossed swords with a circle in the middle of the lower half of the swords and the number 1433.
After reading several inquiries on your site I saw no mention of the crossed swords with the number. Any ideas? Authenticity? Age?
I really appreciate how you so lovingly help us neophytes :-) Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To Pottery Mark Query - Figurine With Crossed Swords With a Circle
Hi Lynne
The answer to this query is the mark os that of HOMCO. A distributor said to be associated with Japanese importer to the US Arnart. See comments section below for more details.
The answer immediately below is my original unedited reply before we knew the answer
Thanks for your interesting query about your figurine with crossed swords with a circle. It would be great to have seen the style of sculpting work on this piece as this tells all about the era it was made and the standard of the artwork. Visitors will get more from me the more photos they send in - you can now send in up to 4.
The photo of the wares is even more important in this case because the mark is not an obvious one i.e. it is not a well documented crossed swords mark from a famous or notable maker as shown in my reference books.
I also checked using the searching resources as outlined in my
China Replacement page with no luck so far.
If you want to see a genuine Meissen Lady with basket with a proper
Meissen crossed swords mark, look on this page:The problem with the crossed swords is the fact that fakers use it as well as the good companies. The first class makers use the mark as an 'homage' to Meissen. e.g.:-
Hope this helps. If you upload photos, I will be able to help some more. Look forward to seeing them.
Best regards
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
Please post comments below which you think might be helpful……
Comments for
of the figurine with Crossed Swords and Circle
Peter (admin) says:-
Thanks for the sending in the pics of the Crossed Swords with Circle or 'O' Pottery Mark. I have loaded them at the top above.
The figurine looks modern (20th Century) in the style of Italian Capodimonte (unglazed). It could be Eastern Europe or Far East in origin. I can't imagine it would be expensive.
edit 2 weeks later:
I have discovered the mark to be that of Japanese maker HOMCO - said to be associated with Japanese maker Arnart (see other articles on this site - use the search box to locate).
Peter (admin)
by: Poppie711
My Figure is of a man and Boy fishing. The colors are soft (no glaze). The size is about (7" High X 5" Wide X 3 1/2" deep).
figurine withe cross swards and circle
by: Anonymous
I have a figurine with an old man sitting on a stump that has the same marking with the # 3070 on it and I had a old lady figure that went with it but it got mixed in with some yard sale things and my husband sold it I was wondering if they were of any value does anyone know?
figurine with cross sword and circle #1401
by: Anonymous
i have a woman 9 1/4" with basket and duck. does anyone know if he she is valuable? beautiful soft colors, no shine.
Guan Yin Figurine
by: Laura
My Asian figurine is Guan Yin, white glazed, with 2 crossed swords and a circle in between in black, with the number 1233 stamped or printed next to it. I have been searching for the maker to no avail. Found the statue in a quaint antique shop in New Orleans,LA. I think she is beautiful and would like to know who made her, can anyone help?
Peter (admin) says
The mark is that of Japanese maker HOMCO - said to be associated with Japanese maker Arnart (see other articles on this site - use the search box to locate).
Help with valuations on the following page:-
Valuations Advice
HOMCO Figurine #1436 of #1431
by: Anonymous
I have a HOMCO figurine with the blue cross swords in the bottom it is a little over 7 inch tall and has the number 1436 or 1431, it is a Man wearing a hat and holding a bird on his right hand, with a chicken at the bottom of his right foot, he is wearing boots and he is wearing a white shirt with kind of orange red vest. He also has a beard very cool and I need to know how I can find value, it belonged to my Godmother.She would be well over 100 now if she was living.