Pottery mark query - Gold crown with no other marks
by Somer
(Dallas, TX)
the crown stamp on the bottom
My very much beloved Grandmother willed me a tea set. It's tiny and delicate, and has gold all over a lovely iridescent glaze.
I've looked all over trying to identify who made it. I don't want to sell it, and don't care to appraise it (it's priceless to me). I would like to find the maker so I can replace the lid to the sugar bowl, which is the only missing piece. My grandmother told me this was given to her on her wedding day, and she got so nervous holding it that she dropped the little sugar lid and broke it.
I'd very much like to complete the set and display it. Have you ever seen this crown before? I'm sorry my photo isn't clearer, but it's similar to the Wild Bros. crown in shape, but is stamped on the back in gold. There are no other identifying letters or designs, so I'm pretty stumped. I've also included a picture of the tea pot itself.
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Peter (admin) says:-
Read the comments below as Somer commissioned an report on her wares and has generously shared it on this forum. The expert was unable to identify the studio, but was of the opinion this was mid 20th century cabinet ware from Germany rather than being 20th Century Far East manufacture.
Subsequently, following clues given by contributors to this thread I have been able to write up a report below which concludes that we are talking about two different makers marks here, using a single crown on similarly themed cabinet style tea sets. One of which is Gräfenthal, East Germany post 1972 and the other is from Japan from the 1950's - 60's. See my report below for more details.
Peter (admin)
For general free advice on how to research your collection, I wrote these pages:
My vintage and antique china values pagevalue of antiques.