Pottery Mark Query - 'Imperial Winn' China {ed. read as "Imperial Nippon"}
by Jason
Imperial Japan Ware - Pottery Mark
Pottery Mark Query - 'Imperial Winn' China {ed. read as "Imperial Nippon"}: Hi there Peter. I saw where you answered a question for someone about the marking on her china. I am having SO MUCH difficulty identifying my china as well. The mark says "hand painted" and "Imperial Winn" - it looks like WINN...which I cannot find and no one seems to have heard of. It is a plate attached to a bowl with flowers painted in it and gold around the edge. I've looked at every site with markers on them.
I am at a loss.
It is unbelievable that I cannot find anything.
You said something about a challenge...lol
All I know is my great aunt has stuff she's given me from Japan, England, and I suppose something could be from China. She has a LOT of stuff from Japan (porcelain...BEAUTIFUL!) from before the war. Can you imagine? She's given me a couple other things but I'm a mess at identifying any of it. I am positive this is from the 20s or 30s...or even before that.
Any help and I will be eternally grateful! I've looked at the mark a hundred times thinking MAYBE I'm not seeing WINN. I keep thinking it's IMPERIAL WINN and maybe from Japan but not a darn thing online. UGH! You can imagine my frustration. She is 93 and can't remember anything about it...other than it's from "overseas". :-)
Please help.
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Reply by Peter (admin)
to Pottery Mark Query - 'Royal Winn' China {ed. read as "Imperial Nippon"}
Dear Jason
Many Thanks for your query and your stunning photos of your Japan ware collection of porcelain and glass.
Yes, I like a challenge, indeed. More to the point, I like to help visitors out with their queries if I can. Remember, I am not an expert appraiser, just a china enthusiast - and I work within
the UK industry as a ceramic sculptor.
You sound very frustrated by drawing a blank on 'Royal Winn'. In my view there is not such company. If the pottery mark photo (see above top right) is the one you want me to look at, to my eye it clearly says "Imperial Nippon" - Nippon meaning 'Japan'. The photo on the left is the Blue Imperial Japan pottery mark. You can see they are clearly the same mark.
Problem solved!!
I know very little about Oriental wares, but I understand that Imperial Japan wares can be found for sale on various antique websites and also ebay. I found an example of a hand painted vase with the Blue Imperial Nippon Mark which the seller had dated at around the 1915 to 1921 time period. I presume these wares were specially made for export because the pottery mark uses English not Japanese.
The vase's description says:- "Imperial Nippon - Pink Floral Handled 12 inch Vase - Buy It Now or Best Offer £220.59GBS". I have no idea whether this is the right type of price or not, but you can find out yourself by going to my Go to my
China Replacement page for instructions on how to price compare your wares.
Be sure to put in the words "imperial nippon" into the ebay search box and click the 'Include title and description' box, then choose the 'pottery' section from the pull down menu. You will see a range of items for sale bearing the same mark as yours.
Just some general tips on china antiquing seeing as you have quite a collection going on:-
With regard to your other "Made In Occupied Japan" wares see the site search for 'Occupied Japan, Coalport and Foley' or similar keywords.
Have fun with your antiquing and thanks for your query.
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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