Pottery Mark Query - Incised B, incised symbol, blue W (?) mark - backstamp pic
by Carol
Pottery Mark Query - Incised B, incised symbol, blue W (?) mark
Incised-b-symbol- blue-w
Pottery Mark Query - Incised B, incised symbol, blue W (?):- I bought this lovely teapot a couple of years ago at a local thrift store. The incised B could be from several different manufacturers, but I cannot find the incised symbol anywhere in my many searches. The blue mark under glaze looks like the letter W or U.
I thought this might be a Worcester teapot but the incised symbol has me completely stumped. I would appreciate any information you might have regarding this teapot.
The teapot is in a beautiful blue color, the circles appear to be a very dark green with a circle of dark blue in them. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
p.s.-- The right side of the symbol looks the same as the left in reality.
reply by Peter (admin) below - just scroll down...HOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
to: Pottery Mark Query - Incised B, incised symbol, blue W (?)
This MARK HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED ELSEWHERE ON THIS SITE AS the Boleslawiec factory now based in Poland, previously known as a region called Silesia.
end update - original answer below unedited
Hi Carol
Thanks for your interesting query, I really appreciate the time and trouble you took to join in and upload your great photos.
First thing to say is what a great looking teapot. It looks very interesting and I too would like to know who to attribute this rather odd and ugly mark to. Nice teapot, horrible mark.
It is definitely an obscure mark - I have looked it up in my collection of various reference books and none of them show anything like this mark.
I looked under W, under V, under, B, under Castles and buildings, under miscellaneous etc etc etc. Not a sausage.
Let's hope we have someone in the know look at this page and tell us.
I hope this helps you with your very nice item.
Best regards
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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