Pottery Mark Query - Japanese/Chinese Number 8 Character On Base
by Graham O'Reilly
(Dublin, Ireland)
Pottery Mark Query - Japanese/Chinese Number 8 Character On Base
Pottery Mark Query - Japanese/Chinese Number 8 Character On Base:- Don't know much about this Vase as I am not an expert. It was just given to us by an old friend who has since passed on so not much info. It looks Japanese and I don’t think its very old but there is just one single Japanese/Chinese Character on the base. From my research the character on the base seems to be the Japanese word for the Number Eight. There are no other company markings. Just to give you an idea of the dimensions. It's 18 and a half inch's High and about 24 inch's around the middle. A Chinese friend of mine looked inside it a while ago and said there was a mark on the base of the vase on the inside, which he thought was the number 15 but I looked at it again and there are no markings on the inside so he must have been mistaken. I hope someone can tell me from the photo's where and when it was made and what's its value? Much appreciated.
Thank you,
Graham O'Reilly
reply by Peter (admin) below - just scroll down...HOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To:- Pottery Mark Query - Japanese/Chinese Number 8 Character On Base
Hi Graham
Great submission with nice photos.
My knowledge of Oriental wares somewhat thin, so that's why I leave it to the
experts. However, I will tell you what I think and take your research on from there.
The photo is small but I can make out just enough to see that the figures are Japanese rather than Chinese. The decoration is typical of
a type of ware called Satsuma ware - which is normally earthenware decorated with fine moriage enamels.
It is not a company with a set of marks, but a style, originating from a particular region of Japan like Arita normally (look up 'satsuma' on my search box top right of every page for more details), but can be replicated elsewhere.
The marks seem to be hardly ever for the purpose of identifying the studio or maker, and even if they were most general experts wouldn't know one mark from another, as they are simply not generally categorised in the West.
So 'Satsuma' is how these pieces are referred to, and the likelyhood is it is from the late 19th to early 20th century, so a genuine antique.
Yours is a nice big size and the bigger, the higher price. These can go for a few hundred dollars at auction. Some for less some for more. The fine decorated from certain studios seem to have the most premium. I suppose it's the same as anything - the knock-out mass produced go for less, the high quality go for more.
Hopefully, someone with a bit more knowledge than me will spot this thread and make a comment.
Have you had a look through
Gotheborg yet? I saw a vase with a not dis-similar style of decoration (about 1/3 down the page) identified as "Japanese porcelain, probably Arita. Early 20th century".
If you find anything, please come back and post.
Thanks again.
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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