Pottery Mark Query - Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown

by Jessica Johnson

Pottery Mark Query - Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown

Pottery Mark Query - Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown

Pottery Mark Query - Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown:- I have two large "decorative" plates. My grandmother purchased them from a estate sale almost 10 years old. They have been recently given to me. I have no idea of any history of the plates, whether they are just decorative with no value or if they have any real value.

I have tried doing research online to determine the stamping or mark on the under side of the plates.

I have been unsuccessful in this search. It is a lion, facing out with a circle around the line. At top the circle is a crown. There is also leaves, on either side of the encircled lion, as well as a small leaf bunch at the bottom of the circle. I have found no other marking besides the front of the plate.

The front shows a picture in blue ink of a house on a iced pond, with children ice skating on the pond. In the back there seems to be a boat stuck in the iced over pond. In the far back here is a windmill.

Around the edge of the plate, is a floral outline. It has leaves and small petalled flowers. I do hope you are able to find what the stamp means on the under side. I guess I can tell you a little about myself.

My name is Jessica Johnson, I live in Texas. My husband and I have been beginning to enjoy and start antique digging. We enjoy digging through possible history.

I really do hope that you can help me with this.

Thank you,

Jessica Johnson


Comments for Pottery Mark Query - Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown

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blue and white platter with lion logo
by: judy

I have two very similar plates. The logo is the same but my plates are scenes of a couple riding in the countryside in a horse and buggy. They are 16 inches across. I haven't been able to find any info about them either.

Me too
by: Shell

I have a platter with the same mark. Mine is 18.5in with a picture of a castle on a hill and a bridge. Please post any information you find.

by: Judy

My platters are probably the same size. I do not have any new information on them

Are these fairly modern imports?
by: Peter (admin)

Hi Guys

Looking at the evidence, these seem to me as if they may be modern imports (late 20th century).

Why do I say that? What are the clues that point that way at the moment?

This is not an exact science, but little clues are making my nose twitch on this one.

  1. A badly done mark with no identifying letters or words. On older English wares, the mark is the 'advert' - once the China & Glass retailer had become more common in the early to mid 19th century)

  2. The choosing of a deliberately common type of mark - a lion cartouche. Very difficult to look up as this is such a general device amongst so many makers especially in the Victorian and Edwardian eras.

  3. A modern looking painting of a slightly weird looking landscape - as if a depiction of a typically English landscape scene painted by foreign people who had never actually seen one

  4. Evidence of quite a bit of this merchandise with this mark being around today (the fact that 2 or 3 people have found this mark post already suggests there's quite a bit of it around

I may of course be wrong and this might be old (I've been wrong before). However, there is no evidence yet to the contrary that this make is anything but nearly new and from the Far East.

Peter (admin)

Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you, Peter. I suspect you are right. I purchased mine from an antique auction 15-20 years ago. I have always bought things I liked and not been concerned with value. At this time, I'm downsizing and my decorating style has changed. I have been selling off things I collected over the years. Ironically, most of the things I enjoyed most were the least valuable. Likewise, I have been surprised by the value of some items I stored household items in.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will stop looking unless someone here learns new information.

What is it worth
by: Jessica J


Thank you soo much for providing me some sort of background on these pieces. Could you provide a guesstimate as the possible value of these plates? With the holidays coming, I would like to have extra money for my son's Christmas...

Lion Mark
by: John

I have a piece with the same mark. It is a large oval turkey platter with cobalt blue decoration (the mark is also cobalt blue). The pattern is described as "Liberty Blue." Liberty Blue is a popular series of historic colonial scenes. What puzzles me is that this mark differs from all my other Liberty Blue pieces. I've searched all over, and I too cannot determine the maker. Maybe it's a modern copy or reproduction of some sort?



Hi John

Great comment - it backs up my theory of it being modern (see my comment above)

Oval platters
by: Diane

My platters have that marking but also a blue " Made in Japan" paper sticker. Are they valuable?

blue plates
by: Kathy R

I have the same exact plate as Jessica's, plus another with a man and a woman in a sleigh. I just bought them at a rummage sale for $15.00 each. I hope they are worth at least that much!

Turkey Platter
by: Anonymous

I have a big 18 1/2 X 14 in. Turkey Platter with the same Lion mark on the back. My platter has a place to hang it. Do you think it is for hanging or would you use it to put your turkey on?

Turkey Platter
by: Cyndi K

I too have the same Turkey platter with the lion and leaves pattern on the back, it also has the hangar attached. It was given to me 20 years ago or more by my mom, who purchased it from an antique store in a little town near Sierra Vista, AZ. I use mine all the time for holding meats and it works very well. I think she overpaid for it, however, it has served us well for a lot of holiday meals and that's what it was intended for so it worked out great.

Very old platter
by: Lynda

I, too have a large 18-1/2 x 14" Willow Ware platter. However, mine seems to be quite old. There is a lot of crazing on the back, some brownish marks along the back side rim which indicate age, and in general just a look of antiquity. I've had it for about 16 years, but I know it is much older than that. I have only displayed it, never used for serving. Looking at its condition it appears it could easily be the same vintage or older than a 1909 Buffalo Pottery Willow Ware platter I have. I am very curious to know just how old it is, now that I am scaling down and selling many of my old blue willow platters.

found a possible answer - Delfts Royal Sphinx by Boch
by: Anonymous

I was told by a lady on facebook that it is a Vintage Delft Royal Sphinx by Boch Plaque Charger Blue and cream with scalloped edges. I hope this helps all of you out as well.


Reply by Peter (admin)

Yup, these motifs match - with a few adaptations like the lion and the lower part of the stamp. I see no reason why this can't be a mark of Boch Delft. They were producing this ware in the 1950's in volume.

I suppose a Chinese exporter could make modern rip offs, but its hard to see the point of it.

Likely to be an adaptation of this Delfts Royal Sphinx by Boch mark.



Peter (admin)

by: Jenn Southwell

I was give my plate about 20 years ago it’s called the Declaration of Independence
And same markings on the back have tried finding out about it but with no luck hope u can help me

Lion encircled with leaves with hovering crown NEW
by: Anonymous

I think they are fakes. Delfts has the same plates, but they look older. Mine looks brand new. Mine is the wedding couple in a horse drawn carriage. The platter is gorgeous and it will still receive a nice spot on my wall.

Reproduction NEW
by: Marie Gerber

Reproduction. New mark, used since late 1980s. This mark is on wide variety of reproductions like Blue Willow, Pink Luster, Imari, Flo Blue, etc.

Charger plate
by: Carol Ann

Thanks for the info. I just purchased the man and woman in a carriage plate Salvation Army for 3.50. Thought I had something good. Oh well.

fake delft NEW
by: Anonymous

This a a fake reproduction mark. These were made in China for AA Importing.

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