Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green
by Elyse
Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green
Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green
Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green
Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green:- Hello Pottery Marks Forum Members - It was love at first sight. While browsing Etsy for a present for my best friend, I stumbled across the most elegant, simple, modern, and vibrant teacup and saucer I've ever seen. I couldn't resist and invited the set into my home. Upon arrival, my husband said, "It's so you! Wouldn't it be nice to have a set?" I naively began a quest to find a matching cup and saucer.
Dozens of Google image and keyword searches later, I am no closer to finding a partner for my teacup. I submitted a china pattern identification inquiry to Replacements.com and was told "Thank you for sending us the picture of your china pattern(s). At this point, we are unable to identify your pattern(s)." However, they had in the header "Unidentified Pattern by Nagoya Shokai". I used the search engine here, but didn't find my makers mark.
Pattern: solid bright teal or sky blue surrounded by silver mirror finish and white stripes
Saucer: rim shaped
Teacup: one mirror finish silver stripe close the the rim on the inside, pedestal base
Mark: green wreath surrounding red letters "N&C" above JAPAN with a yellow background
Pattern by Nagoya Shokai?
Produced after 1921?
I am in love with this teacup and would like to find another one and determine if there are more pieces. I greatly appreciate any information you might have about it.
Thank you for combining your collective wisdom for those lost like myself!
Note: Photos are from the Etsy seller I bought these from. Their photos are far superior to the ones I took.
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Pottery Mark Query - N&C Japan wreath red yellow green
Hi Elyse
I like to hear love stories - this is a great one! Nice cup, looks very 1950's version of space age, so I can see why you feel it is modern looking.
Pottery mark from Japan or otherwise with an NC or N&C are something of a mystery in that we have talked about them a lot on this site, but still have no real answer as to who the maker is. Looking at your note from Replacements.com (which mentions Nitto Shokai - an early version of the Noritake organisation in 1916), maybe it's just as simple as the NC stands for Noritake Co (Noritake Co Inc was established in New York in 1947).
However, various contributors have told us there were several importers who used the N&C pottery mark. They are "Ucagco (United China and Glass Company), Lefton, Ardalt, Empress pottery mark and the Royal Japan porcelain mark.
This blurring of who made what and what does the mark represent is typical of marking in Japan and China, when the last thing a mark appears to be for is establishing the identity of the actual maker. This makes identifying marks from the Far East an infuriating and difficult task for the non expert (and even very tricky for the experts too, I feel).
Anyway, you have a great cup, whoever made it!
If anyone has seen other examples of this pattern anywhere, please post to this page, I am sure Elyse will be very grateful, let's all try to help on this one.
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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