Pottery Mark Query on vase with initials S.L.R. and signature "gualdo" something "shire" and Made in Italy
by Anthony
(Baytown, Texas USA)
Pottery Mark Query on vase with initials S.L.R. and signature
Pottery Mark Query on vase with initials S.L.R. and signature
Pottery Mark Query on vase with initials S.L.R. and signature "gualdo" something "shire" and Made in Italy :- This item belonged to my grandmother July 22, 1911 through May 15, 2011 may she rest in peace after 99 years of a great life. This vase was in her house all of my 40 plus years of life or at lease as for as long as I can remember.
There are other items this is the first that I'm attempting to have the mark identified from the forum visitors of this site.
I can't identify the last name of the signature on the bottom. But since it has the made in italy mark it probably is a piece that was made after 1890
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Pottery Mark Query on vase with initials S.L.R. and signature "gualdo" something "shire" and Made in Italy
Hi Antony
This looks like a typical Italian provincial earthenware majolica style hand painted ceramic. There is a long and well established tradition of this type of Italian maker going back many years. Almost every town and city has its own local traditions in this style and there are so many small units they would be impossible if not pointless to catalogue.
If I were you, I would work out as many different variations of the mark that you can muster and put each of these keyword phrases in turn into a search engine - Google and/or Bing.
You need to take your time and be quite scientific about it. In the meantime, if anyone has a piece with this pottery mark let us know what you have - it all adds to the knowledge base.
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.