Pottery Mark Query - Teapot with Crown with Letter M above it
by Neil
Pottery Mark Query - Teapot with Crown with Letter M above it
Pottery Mark Query - Teapot with Crown with Letter M above it:- Can you identify the stamp on the bottom of our teapot? It's a (brown?) crown with the letter M in a diamond shape above the crown and MADE IN ENGLAND written below the crown.
Many thanks.
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Reply by Peter (admin)
to Pottery Mark Query - Teapot with Crown with Letter M above it.
Dear Neil
Thank you for uploading the photograph of your teapot base.
Unfortunately, I would always need a clear close-up (unblurred) photo the base pottery mark. The mark is far too small for me to see properly.
This mark mystery has been solved by a knowledgeable visitor who thinks this mark is that of this is most likely Alfred Meakin. See full answer below
You have to bear in mind that crown marks are by far the most common mark on all English china and there are literally hundreds of makers all using a similar device. I can't see what you describe as the letter "M" - it is too small. Many crowns have an "X" which might look like "M"s.
Some people find scanning the base with a normal scanner gives the best results. Use as many submission forms as you like. The system allows only one photo to be uploaded at a time - but I'll get them all no problem. Send a pic of your teapot as well as the base, please.
Look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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