Pottery Mark with a Circle Inside a Square with a Howling Wolf
by bob
Pottery Mark with a Circle Inside a Square with a Howling Wolf
Pottery Mark with a Circle Inside a Square with a Howling Wolf
Pottery Mark with a Circle Inside a Square with a Howling Wolf - also line flowing from inside of square to the outside of circle:- picked it up on an inorganic day...so paid nothing for it but was wondering what it was and who had made it... probably nothing excitably and i reckoned it might be for burning incense or something.
Any information would be greatly appreciated thanks.
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Pottery Mark with a Circle Inside a Square with a Howling Wolf
Hi Bob
I don't know this one, but I have a feeling we will get some headway on this one as the written description of the mark is very distinctive - in other words, people will be inputting this keyword description into search engines and therefore will find this thread on Google or whatever search engine they use.
In that case, they will hopefully take a couple seconds time out fromt heir busy days and post right here on the comments link below.
Here's hoping!
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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