Pottery Marks - Hummel Fakes (Arnart) and Look-alikes (W & A - Wagner & Apel)
by Peter (Admin)
Pottery Marks - Hummel Fakes (Arnart) and Look-alikes (W & A - Wagner & Apel)
Pottery Marks - Hummel Fakes (Arnart) and Look-alikes (W & A - Wagner & Apel)):- Follow up to: Fake Hummels
The above link takes you to Diana's original query about her Hummel look-alike figurine which I answered incorrectly. Diana wrote in to politely inform me as follows:-
"dear peter, thanks for the information you gave me about fake arnart hummel figures, but i am sorry to say the information you gave me was wrong, i checked all the Japanese porcelain marks including arnart and none of them matched.
now the good news because you pointed me in the right direction i now know that the figure was made by WAGNER AND APEL (W & A) GmbH, PORCELAIN FIGURINES LIPPELSDORF, LIPPELSDORF54, 98743 GRAFENTHAL/THUR.
I have sent them an email and await a reply. so thanks again for steering us in the right direction. Yours Faithfully Diana Ryan."
Having just had a query about the same subject - a Hummel look-alike figurine with a crown label (see top photo) - I automatically attributed Diana's mark (without seeing a photo of the mark) to the Arnart Hummel rip-offs (designed by German artist Erich Stauffer). Arnart were big importers of cheap Japanese goods in the 1950's and 60's - also with a crown label.
I very much appreciate work of this type by our visitors. SO a big thank you to Diane.
Peter (Admin)
additional comments by Peter (admin) below - just scroll down...HOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Further Comment by Peter (admin)
To:- Diana's contribution to sorting out the Arnart Figurines from the W & A - Wagner & Apel figurines
Hi Diana
This is very exciting information and I very much appreciate you following up with such excellent detective work.
Please could you tell me where you got this excellent advice
(ed. Diana says she put the term 'W & A figures' into Google and got to an information site - when I tried this search term, I drew a blank). I was mistaking your description of the mark with the Arnart label with a crown - see above (this was probably a deliberate ploy by Arnart). Photos are always best, otherwise slip ups like this can happen.
I also show above, a photo of two W & A pottery marks
(ed. Diana confirmed the right hand side mark was the same one as hers). I did not know about WAGNER AND APEL (W & A) making these Hummel like children figurines until your query - so I am delighted to have gained this new knowledge which I am sure will also be helpful to many visitors to the site.

Here is
some background to Wagner & Apel (W & A):-
See also
W & A, Wagner and Apel Porcelain Ballerina PageWagner & Apel (W & A), Porcelain Manufacturer, founded 1877 in Lippelsdorf, Thuringia, GermanyThe company went through various reconstructions - Porzellanmanufaktur Kuch & Co. (1877 - 1883), Porzellanmanufaktur Wagner, Apel & Leube (1883 - 1901), Porzellanmanufaktur Wagner & Apel (1901 - 1948), V.E.B. Porzellanfiguren Lippelsdorf (1949 - 1990) and finally Porzellanmanufaktur Wagner & Apel G.m.b.H. (1990 to current day)
Obviously the history of the W & A company reflects the tumultuous history of Europe in the 20th Century - the pre-WW2 period concentrated on the figures based upon the popular German story books of illustrators Hilla Peyk and Bertram, sculpted by German sculptor Eugen Dotterweich. In 1913, Wagner & Apel (W & A) employed 150 people and remained at about that number until the beginnings of the troubles of the war period in 1937. After the war, the town fell into the control of the Soviet block and the factory was nationalized. In 1990 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Wagner & Apel (W & A) was put back into the hands of the original family ownership.
Quite a story with a happy ending!
I, for one, really like these WAGNER AND APEL (W & A) figures you have discovered, they are relatively rare and have a great collectability factor. I think, with the right type of write up they could sell for a fair amount of money on ebay.
**New Edit
I have been looking into W & A, Wagner & Apel further since Diana's query and have discovered they may not have been following in the Goebel Hummel footsteps at all, but developing these little children figurines at the same time as Goebel, if not before.
What I have found is that Goebel kilns were first purchased in 1879. Before that, they had nothing to do with ceramics. W & A, Wagner & Apel were founded in 1877, so they pre-date Goebel as a ceramics maker. So who did the little children figurines first? W & A, Wagner & Apel were producing popular story book figures in the pre-WW2 period (from Hilla Peyk and Bertram's artwork). Sister Hummel's figurines were only launched by Goebel after 1935. So who influenced whom? We need an expert collectors knowledge (post any contributions in the comments section below).
end edit**
Diana, you seem to be a naturally lucky antiquer. Keep it up!
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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