Pottery Mary Query - Victoria above Crown
by Tony Pitt
(Basingstoke, England)
Pottery Mary Query - Victoria above Crown
Pottery Mary Query - Victoria above Crown
Pottery Mary Query - Victoria above Crown:- I have a coffee cup and saucer of unknown origin, though I suspect it's 60 years old or more - it's come from a family house clearance.
The pattern is of two birds on trees with a butterfly. There is a ring of green leaves around this. The rims of the saucer and cup, and also the handle of the cup, bear a gold pattern of triangles. The pattern is subtly different on the cup and the saucer - the butterflies are different, the birds' beaks are different, and so on.
The pattern appears fairly crude, as does the maker's mark, which is a crown with "Victoria" above it, all in orange. The maker's mark appears only on the saucer.
Can anyone identify who the maker is, and how old this is, please?
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Pottery mark - 'Ford' inside oval with a cross like an 'x'
Peter (admin) says:-
Hi Tony
Thanks for this interesting post - just the sort we like on this site! We should be able to sort this one out for you.
It's always tricky with crown marks as they are so common and often two completely unrelated companies (even from different countries) can have very similar
For example, this crown looks identical to a mark of a firm shown in Godden's Encyclopaedia - Cartwright & Edwards of Staffordshire founded in 1857. They were taken over by Alfred Clough in in 1955.
From what I can see of your photo, which is very small, this mark seems to have been either rubbed away, or only partially printed, as the bottom half of it is missing.
If it were Cartwright & Edwards, it should have the bottom detail of the crown, then the C & E initials, then 'Bone China England'. This mark was used from 1929 onwards, so that is the earliest this piece within the set can be. The unmarked pieces could be any date is this was a standard type of pattern.
Other backstamp brands of this maker, apart from 'Victoria' were Norville Ware and Boronian Ware. The brand 'Victoria' was named after the new works they moved into in 1912. They were also making from the Longton and Heron Cross Pottery from 1916.
Now, by a coincidence, looking for something else, I found this mark on
- who say this:-
"The books show this Victoria Austria mark to have been used somewhere during the years of 1883-1945"So if anyone can clear up this question, please post below.....
Peter (admin)
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My vintage and antique china values pagevalue of antiques.
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