Teapot marked 'made in Germany' - a blue painted upside down arrow with curved staff engraved 2 vertical lines with backward looking 'Z' in between
by Shari Mallon
(Tarrawanna NSW Australia)
Hi Peter
This story is about a teapot marked 'made in Germany' - a blue painted upside down arrow with curved staff engraved 2 vertical lines with backward looking 'Z' in between.
Here is her story. My Grandparents lived in Cincinnati Ohio most of their lives and the home they lived in they rented out the apt upstairs to a German immigrant my Dad called Uncle Gus.
Uncle Gus gave this teapot to my grandma and my father says that she was always on the shelf near the stove since he could remember. My dad was born in 1943.
Gus lived with my grandparents a year after they were married. They were married in 1928. He claimed no family except them. I know he was from around Bavaria before immigrating to the states when he was in his 30's.
He passed away when my dad was 11 and he was late 80s. He also left a lot of black walunt wood clocks and chests carved out of it with marble tops. He was an artist and occasionally worked at rookwood pottery In Cincinnati.
He told my grandma that the pot belonged to his mom. I always loved this teapot growing up and when I would stay with my grandma she and I would have a morning cuppa with her. When she passed this came to me.
I have been trying for over 20 years to identify her marks. She almost looks Dutch or Bavarian in costume. She is pale yellow base color with blue light green and rose accents.
When I immigrated to Australia 10 years ago she came with me.
Please help me find her marks.
I want her story to be passed to my daughter and down the line.
Anyways thanks for your site.
I have hope.
All the best