Who Is the Maker of This Pottery Mark? {Editor says: "Carstens of Tönnieshof"}
by Sandee
Who Is the Maker of This Pottery Mark? {Editor says:
Who Is the Maker of This Pottery Mark? {Editor says: "Carstens of Tönnieshof"}:- I have a vase that is gold in color with an aqua type stripey-looking glaze over that. On the bottom there is what looks to be 2 houses next to each other with either an upside down letter "P" or a c with a line through it. Under that, the number 472 and under that, the number 25. Do you have any idea of the maker? looks to be USA made.
I would greatly appreciate the help.
Thank you -
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Reply by Peter (admin)
to the 'Who Is the Maker of This Pottery Mark? Query:
Nice query from Sandee on the mystery pot. Thanks.
Hi Sandee
Glad you dropped by. Hope you are enjoying the site and finding it useful.
I can help with your query. I can safely say your mark is the 'double house' pottery mark of German makers Carstens Toennieshof (Tönnieshof).
The firm 'Carstens of Tönnieshof', were apparently founded 1945 in the city of Freden an der Leine in the province of Lower Saxony in the former "West Germany". They were producing wares until 1984.
However, records show that brothers Christian & Ernst Carstens were big players in the German ceramics
industry in the early part of the 20th Century, owning many different factories between them, making everything from sanitary wares to fine figurines. Records show them purchasing a factory as early as 1900 (the earthenware factory Magdeburg Steingutfabrik).
The wares of the later Carstens of Tönnieshof plant was distinctive in that it used mainly terracotta clay and often impressed or molded their marks leaving a raised edge.
The mark you describe as an upside-down "D" is, in fact, their "TC mark". Depending upon the space at the bottom of the item, they than added "W.-GERMANY" or "W.-GERM." Some pieces are marked - "Austria", denoting their Austrian factory.
Some pieces were not marked. Gerda Heuckeroth designs were not usually marked, for reasons unknown to me.
Other designers they worked with were Trude Carstens, Heinz Siery, and Dieter Peter. Their collections were given names such as "Atelier", "Luxus", and "Boutique".
You can explore more by going to my
China Replacement page and following the instructions on how to search for more information on a particular line and also how to get a feeling for 'value' of your pot.
I hope you are pleased with your positive id of your pot.
Best regards
Peter (admin)
The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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